webMethods Task Engine 10.2 | Understanding webMethods Tasks | About Task E-mail Notifications | Permissions Required to Work with Task Notifications
Permissions Required to Work with Task Notifications
For more information about granting task permissions to user, roles, and groups, see:
*Configuring Task Access Permissions
*About Task Type Functional Permissions
*Configuring Task Type Functional Permissions
A My webMethods user requires the following permissions to work with task notifications:
*The user must be a member of a role or group with the Access Privileges > Monitoring > Business > Tasks > My Inbox access permission. For information about the results of not granting this permission, see Limitations When Denying Access to My Inbox.
*The user must be granted the task type functional privilege Tasks Application Root Page.
*The user must be granted the task type functional privilege Subscribe to Task if the user is to be able to self-subscribe to the task type notifications.
*At a minimum, the task type functional permissions for View Task Data, View Task Info, View Task Audit, and other View task type must be granted to the user to enable the user to see the task contents.
*If the user is to interact with the task instance, additional task type functional permissions, such as Accept Task, Modify Task Data, and Complete Task must be granted.
*If the user is to have access subscriptions from the task type inbox, the task type functional permission Tasks Application Root Page > Task Inbox Page must be granted.

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