My webMethods Server 10.2 | Startup and Configuration | My webMethods Server and HTTPS | Using My webMethods Server as an HTTPS Client
Using My webMethods Server as an HTTPS Client
Importing CA Certificates
Certificates Used for Secure Connections
If you want to connect My webMethods Server to a server using HTTPS, you must set up the trusted CA store file (the cacerts file) that the JVM running in the My webMethods Server machine uses. The trusted CA store file must contain the CA certificates of the servers to which My webMethods Server will be issuing HTTPS requests.
For example, if you use webMethods Monitoror the WmTaskClient Package, you must identify the Integration Server to which My webMethods Server issues requests on behalf of Monitor pages. If you choose to have the requests issued using HTTPS, you must then set up the trusted CA store file of the JVM running in the My webMethods Server machine to contain the CA certificate of the Certificate Authority that signed the Integration Server certificate.
You import CA certificates into the trusted CA store file of the JVM using the JVM’s keytool command. By default, the trusted CA store file is located in the following location:
Software AG_directory \jvm\operating_system\jre\lib\security\cacerts
For example, if you use Windows, the location of the trusted CA store file is Software AG_directory \jvm\jvm\jre\lib\security\cacerts.

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