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Monitoring Global Controls for JMS Triggers
Command Central provides controls that you can use to throttle the server thread usage of JMS triggers. You can use the controls to:
*Set the percentage of the server thread pool that Integration Server can use for receiving and processing all JMS triggers.
*Reduce maximum execution threads by the same percentage across all concurrent JMS triggers. This also decreases the rate at which concurrent JMS triggers process messages.
* To throttle thread usage for JMS triggers
1. Select the Integration Server environment from the Environment pane, then click the instance from the Instances tab
2. Click the Administration tab.
3. Select the JMS Trigger Management configuration type from the drop-down list.
4. Click Edit Global Controls
5. In the Thread Pool Throttle field, type the maximum percentage of the server thread pool that can be used for JMS triggers. This includes threads used to retrieve messages from the JMS provider and threads used to process messages. You must enter a value greater than zero.
6. In the Individual Trigger Processing Throttle field, select the value, as a percentage of the configured maximum execution threads value, at which you want to the server to function. Integration Server applies this percentage to the maximum execution threads value for all concurrent JMS triggers.
7. Click Save Changes.

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