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Searching for JMS Triggers Using Integration Server Instance
As the number of JMS triggers that exist on Integration Server increases, it may become difficult to locate a particular Instances > Administration > JMS Trigger Management page in Command Central . To assist you with finding JMS triggers on the JMS Trigger Management page or to simply filter the list of displayed triggers, the Administration screen includes the ability to search for JMS triggers.
* To search for JMS triggers
1. Select the Integration Server environment from the Environment pane, then click the instance from the Instances tab.
2. Click the Administration tab.
3. Select the JMS Trigger Management configuration type from the drop-down list.
4. Click Search Triggers.
5. Specify search criteria for one of the following:
For this criteria...
Trigger Name
The name of the fully qualified JMS trigger.
The state of a JMS trigger. Possible values are enabled, disabled, or suspended.
The status of a JMS trigger. Possible values are running, connected, or not connected.
Processing Mode
The processing mode of the trigger. Possible values are concurrent or serial
Maximum threads
The maximum number of threads that a JMS trigger can use is determined by the Max execution threads property value set for the JMS trigger.
Current threads
The number of server threads currently used to receive and process messages for each JMS provider. The Current Threads column displays Not Connected if Integration Server is not connected to a JMS provider.
Connection Alias Name
The name of the JMS connection alias that the JMS trigger uses to retrieve messages from the JMS provider.
The destinations to which the JMS trigger subscribes.
6. Click Search.
Command Central searches for JMS trigger that meet the provided criteria and then displays the search results on the JMS Trigger Management page.

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