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Configuring JNDI Settings
Important: webMethods Broker has been deprecated.
* To configure JNDI settings
1. Navigate to the JNDI configuration type.
The JNDI configuration settings are divided into General settings and Security settings. Only the General settings are required for the JNDI configuration.
2. Click Edit.
3. Configure the General settings.
Naming Factory Type
Select Universal Messaging or Broker (deprecated). The default value is Universal Messaging.
Broker Name
When Naming Factory Type is Universal Messaging, you cannot edit this field.
JMS Cluster URL
Type the URL if the Analytic Engine uses a Universal Messaging cluster as a JMS provider.
4. If necessary, configure the Security settings.
a. Select the Enable SSL check-box.
b. Populate the Security settings.
5. Click Save.

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