Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Optimize | Using Command Central to Manage Optimize | Using Command Central to Manage Infrastructure Data Collector | Configuring Optimize Infrastructure Data Collector
Configuring Optimize Infrastructure Data Collector
* To configure an Infrastructure Data Collector instance
1. In Command Central, navigate to Home > Instances > All.
2. Click the name of the Infrastructure Data Collector instance that you want to configure.
3. Click the Infrastructure DC tab.
4. Click the Configuration tab.
5. Select a configuration type from the drop-down list and perform the appropriate configuration task, as described in the following table.
Add new data
Edit data
Click the name of the component that you want to update and click Edit.
You must restart the Optimize Infrastructure Data Collector instance to apply the changes.
Delete data
Test whether data is added or edited successfully
Note: Some tasks might not be available for the selected configuration type.

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