Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Optimize | Using Command Central to Manage Optimize | Using Command Central to Manage Infrastructure Data Collector | Configuring Endpoints
Configuring Endpoints
* To configure the Endpoint connections
1. Navigate to the Endpoints configuration type.
The Endpoints table lists the endpoints that you must configure to start the Infrastructure Data Collector instance.
2. Click an endpoint and click Edit.
3. Configure the endpoint connection settings.
Default name of the endpoint. You cannot edit this field.
Description of the endpoint connection.
Protocol type that the endpoint connection uses.
*wmjmsnaming Select this protocol if Infrastructure Data Collector uses Broker (deprecated) as a JMS provider.
*NSP This is the default value of the protocol type for this endpoint.
The host of the endpoint to which the Infrastructure Data Collector instance connects, for example localhost.
The port of the endpoint to which the Infrastructure Data Collector instance connects.
4. Click Save.
The endpoint connection settings are saved and listed in the Endpoints table.
Important: Command Central does not validate the endpoint settings that you define.

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