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Configuring Event Type Associations
When events of a particular event type are sent or received, Digital Event Services (DES) delivers them to the services within a service group. To configure to where events are sent you need to associate event types with their respective service groups.
Applications cannot subscribe for digital event types that are not present in the DES event type repository.
* To configure digital event type associations
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > instance_name > Digital Event Services > Configuration.
2. Select Event Types from the drop-down menu.
3. In the Name column, click Event Types, and then click Edit.
4. For each digital event type in the Event Types table, specify the following information:
Delivery Mode
The quality of service per event type, if the runtime in which DES is embedded stops responding and becomes unavailable. Values are:
*Follow Preference - events are delivered according to the delivery mode preference set in the event type definition. This is the default value.
*Persistent - events are stored on-disk and resent after the runtime becomes available again.
*Non-persistent - events are stored in-memory and are not resent after the runtime becomes available.
Important: Changing the delivery mode preference for an event type in the digital event type definition requires a restart of the runtime in which DES is embedded for the changes to take effect.
To avoid restarting the runtime, instead of Follow Preference, you can select either Persistent or Non-Persistent in the Delivery Mode field to reflect the change in the event type.
In-Memory Capacity
The maximum number of events that are kept in-memory for an event type. You can specify any positive integer, or you can specify 1K (1024), 1M (1024K), or 1G (1024M).
Alternatively, you can leave an empty string or specify Default to use the global default setting of the In-Memory Capacity property.
On-Disk Capacity
The maximum number of events that are kept on-disk for an event type. You can specify any positive integer, or you can specify 1K (1024), 1M (1024K), or 1G (1024M).
Alternatively, you can leave an empty string or specify Default to use the global default setting of the On-Disk Capacity property.
Service Group
Select a service group from the drop-down menu with which to associate the event type.
Note: Digital event types that are not explicitly associated with a custom service group are associated with the default service group.
You can also associate event types with service groups during the configuration of a service group.
5. Optionally, click Test to verify that your configuration is consistent.
6. Save your changes.

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