Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Administering Apama in Command Central | Configuration types that Apama components support | Configuration types that the Apama correlator supports | The correlator license key
The correlator license key
Before you can set or update the license key file for a correlator instance, you must add the license key alias for the license key file. To add the license key alias, see the topic about adding license keys in Software AG Command Central Help.
To set the license key file using the Command Central web interface, you must provide the file path of the license key file to upload the license key file. See the topic about changing license keys for a product instance in this help.
To set the license key file using the command line interface, you must provide the license key alias of the license key file for the Apama correlator run-time component. Use the sagcc update configuration license command to set the license key file for a run-time component instance, for example:
sagcc update configuration license nodeAlias runtimeComponentId  
 configurationInstanceId  licenseKeyAlias
Examples when executing on Command Central
sagcc update configuration license local Apama-correlator-Correlator1
COMMON-LICENSE-Apama-correlator-Correlator1 CorrelatorLicenseAlias
After you set the license key file, the license key file information will be available at APAMA_HOME/command-central/instances/correlator/instancename/ApamaCorrelatorLicense.xml. If you do not provide a license key file to an instance, then the license key at APAMA_WORK/license/ApamaServerLicense.xml will be used.

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