Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Monitoring Apama from Command Central | Monitoring the KPIs for the IAF
Monitoring the KPIs for the IAF
With Command Central, you can view basic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for an IAF instance that is online.
To view the KPIs in the command line interface, use the following command:
sagcc get monitoring runtimestate nodeAlias runtimeComponentId
Apama supports the KPIs listed in the following table:
Receive rate
Use this KPI to monitor the rate at which the adapter is receiving Apama events from the correlator (towards the transport). There are no threshold alerts for this KPI.
Sent rate
Use this KPI to monitor the rate at which the adapter is sending Apama events to the correlator (from the transport). There are no threshold alerts for this KPI.
Resident memory usage
This KPI represents the resident memory in MB used by the IAF process.
*Marginal value - 75% of the maximum amount of physical memory.
*Critical value - 90% of the maximum amount of physical memory.
*Maximum value - the total amount of physical memory of the machine.
Example when executing on Command Central
To retrieve the KPIs for an IAF instance with the runtime component ID "Apama-iaf-myIAF" in the installation with alias name "local":
sagcc get monitoring runtimestate local Apama-iaf-myIAF

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