Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Administering Apama in Command Central | Configuration types that Apama components support | Configuration types that the Apama display server and Apama data server support | Memory configuration
Memory configuration
Use to configure Java Virtual Machine (JVM) initial memory, maximum memory, and advanced properties in key-value pairs, in one of the following ways:
You must specify these properties in the configuration file.
Example format of the MemoryConfiguration.xml file:
<Property name="-XX:MaxPermSize">128M</Property>
<Property name="-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize">1G</Property>
<Property name="-DProperty1">Value1</Property>
Examples when executing on Command Central
*To update the memory settings for a display server:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
COMMON-MEMORY --input C:\MemoryConfiguration.xml
*To update the memory settings for a data server:
sagcc update configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
COMMON-MEMORY --input C:\MemoryConfiguration.xml
*To fetch the memory settings of a display server:
sagcc get configuration data local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
*To fetch the memory settings of a data server:
sagcc get configuration data local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer

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