Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Administering Apama in Command Central | Configuration types that Apama components support | Usage notes | Component logging
Component logging
You can configure the log files and log level when you create or update an instance of Apama component. These properties are optional. If you do not define these properties, the default values are assigned. The default logging level for all components is -INFO. The default log files are:
Log location
Display server
Data server
The default value for the inputLog property for correlator is <empty>
The location of log files can be absolute path or relative path. The relative path of the log files is resolved from the APAMA_HOME/command-central/instances/ComponentType/instancename/logs/ directory.
To specify the log files and log level when you create an instance of an Apama component, you must specify the logging properties in key-value pairs in the sagcc create instances command as parameters. For example, logLevel=CRIT inputLog=default-correlator-input.log outputLog=correlator-output.log.
To specify the log files and log level when you update an instance of an Apama component, you must specify the logging properties in key-value pairs in the properties file.
The log files are located at APAMA_HOME/command-central/instances/ComponentType/instancename/logs/.
For more information on logging properties, see "Setting EPL log files and log levels dynamically" in Deploying and Managing Apama Applications.

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