Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Integration Server | Using Command Central to Manage Integration Server | Integration Server Configuration Types | Configuration Types that IntegrationServer-instanceName Supports
Configuration Types that IntegrationServer-instanceName Supports
IntegrationServer-instanceName, where instanceName is the name of the Integration Server instance, run-time component supports creating instances of the configuration types listed in the following table.
Configuration Type
Configuration ID
Use to configure...
Admin UI Link
Full URL to Integration Server.
Configuration instance to enable or disable a cluster configuration and to specify cluster settings such as the Terracotta Server array URLs and the session timeout.
Database functional aliases
Configuration instance for database functional aliases for Integration Server.
JDBC connection pools
Configuration instance for JDBC connection pools for Integration Server.
JMS settings
Configuration instance for JMS settings for Integration Server.
JNDI settings
Configuration instance for JNDI settings for Integration Server.
Keystore and truststore aliases
Configuration instance for a KeyStore alias that identifies a keystore file or private key within a keystore.
LDAP directories
Configuration instance for LDAP directory settings for Integration Server.
Each LDAP connection must be declared using a separate COMMON-LDAP configuration instance.
Note: Currently, only one configuration instance, COMMON-LDAP-default is supported per Integration Server.
Integration Server Core and Terracotta license files
License files. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports configuration instances for the Integration Server Core and Terracotta license files.
Integration Server Core and Terracotta license files
Locations where license files reside in file system where Integration Server is installed. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports configuration instances for the location of the Integration Server Core license file and for the location of the Terracotta license file.
You cannot change the location of the license file.
User management
Configuration instance to manage local users and their passwords. COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-<userId> supports configuring the various users. Each user must be declared using a separate configuration instance.
By default, there are four predefined COMMON-LOCAL-USERS configuration instances, namely, COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-Administrator, COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-Default, COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-Developer, and COMMON-LOCAL-USERS-Replicator.
Note: Upon creation, a user is automatically added to the Everybody group.
Integration Server loggers and server log facilities
Configuration instance for Integration Server loggers and server log facilities.
For Server Logger, the default value for Levels of Loggers is Inherit, which indicates that the components will have the same logging levels as its parent. You cannot add or delete Logger Levels and can only modify the Level values.
Ports. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports configuration instances for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and Diagnostics ports.
Proxy server aliases
Configuration instance for proxy server aliases.
Note: You can use the default proxy alias, proxy-bypass, to optionally route selected requests directly to their targets, bypassing the proxy. The proxy bypass addresses list applies to all proxy server aliases. You cannot create or delete the proxy-bypass alias.
Email settings
Settings for sending email messages.
Server configuration parameters
Server configuration parameters. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports appending, updating, and removing system configuration parameters defined in the server.cnf configuration file:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/config/server.cnf, where instance_name is the name of the Integration Server instance.
Note: IS-SYSPROPS is supported only through Command Central template (YAML).
Server configuration parameters. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports overwriting the system configuration parameters defined in the server.cnf configuration file:
Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/config/server.cnf, where instance_name is the name of the Integration Server instance.
Both Command Central user interface and Command Central template support COMMON-SYSPROPS.
Keystore and truststore aliases
Configuration instance for a TrustStore alias that identifies a truststore file.
Global variables
Configuration instance for global variables. Each variable must be declared using a separate configuration instance.
webMethods Messaging setting
Configuration instance for webMethods Messaging settings for Integration Server. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports configuration instances for webMethods Messaging providers (webMethods Broker and Universal Messaging).
Note: After creating the Broker connection alias from Command Central with connection state enabled as true, restart Integration Server for the changes to take effect.
Web service endpoint alias - Consumer
Consumer web service endpoint aliases.
webMethods Messaging setting
The default messaging connection alias.
Database functional aliases
File access control configuration for the pub.file services in WmPublic package. The IS-FILEPERMISSION configuration instance includes IS-FILEPERMISSION_READ, IS-FILEPERMISSION_WRITE, and IS-FILEPERMISSION_DELETE. You cannot create a new configuration instance or delete an existing configuration instance. For more information about file access control configuration, see webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
The primary port ID for Integration Server.
Web service endpoint alias - Provider
Provider web service endpoint aliases.
The quiesce port ID for Integration Server.
Resource settings
Configuration instance for resource settings for Integration Server. IntegrationServer-instanceName supports configuration instances for outbound HTTP, stateful sessions limit, server thread pool, document stores, and XA recovery store settings.
JAAS realms settings
Configuration instance to perform create, read, update, and delete operation on JAAS realms.
Integration Server supports the following predefined JAAS-REALMS configuration instances:
When adding a realm in the custom login module, make sure you use the following format:
${loginModuleName} Flag;
Note: If the input values are not in a correct format, Integration Server fails to start with the following error: No LoginModules configured for ${realm_Name}”.

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