Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Apama | Deploying Apama Components with Command Central | Getting started with Command Central
Getting started with Command Central
Ensure that you have installed both the Apama Server (PAMServer) and the Apama Platform Manager Plug-in (PAMspm) on every machine on which you wish to start Apama components, and have also installed the Command Central server on at least one machine. For more information, see "Installing Apama using Command Central" in Installing Apama. For more information about using Command Central, see Software AG Command Central Help.
Perform any required post installation tasks as described in the "Performing Post Installation Configuration" section in Software AG Command Central Help.
The following topics provide information about creating and configuring instances in Command Central:
*Creating and deleting instances using the Command Central command line interface
*Configuration types that Apama components support
*Lifecycle actions for Apama component instances

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