Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | Integration Server | Using Command Central to Manage Integration Server | Monitoring JDBC Functional Aliases
Monitoring JDBC Functional Aliases
Perform the following procedure to associate an Integration Server JDBC functional alias with a connection pool over Command Central.
Note: Ensure that Integration Server is running before performing the following procedure.
* To associate an Integration Server JDBC functional alias with a connection pool.
1. Select the Integration Server environment from the Environment pane, then click the instance from the Instances tab.
2. Select Integration Server from the instance pane.
3. Click the Configuration tab.
4. Select the Functional Aliases configuration type from the drop-down list.
Command Central displays the available or default values, if any for the selected Integration Server configuration type.
5. Select any Function Alias from the available list.
6. The following table describes the functional alias mapping.
Parameter Name
Function Alias
Functional alias to associate with a connection pool. You cannot edit this field.
Brief description of the functional alias. You cannot edit this field .
Associated Database Pool Alias
Connection pool you want the functional alias to use.
Fail-Fast Mode Enabled
Indicates whether or not the JDBC functional alias is configured to enter fail-fast mode when a transient error caused by an unavailable database prevents the connection pool alias used by the JDBC functional alias from establishing a connection to the database.
*Select Yes to enable fail-fast mode.
*Select No to disable fail-fast mode.
Currently In Fail-Fast
Indicates whether or not the JDBC functional alias is currently in fail-fast mode.
*Yes indicates the alias is in fail-fast mode.
*No indicates the alias is not in fail-fast mode.

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