Administering Software AG Products with Command Central  | My webMethods Server | Administering My webMethods Server | Monitoring KPIs of My webMethods Server Instances
Monitoring KPIs of My webMethods Server Instances
* To view the KPIs of My webMethods Server instances in the Command Central web user interface
1. On the Environments pane, select the environment you want to monitor.
2. Click the Instances tab.
3. Select the My webMethods Server you want to monitor.
4. Click the Overview tab.
The Monitoring section in the Dashboard shows the KPIs of the My webMethods Server instance.
My webMethods Server returns the following three KPIs.
Marginal Value
Critical Value
Maximum Value
Number of user sessions
80% of maximum
95% of maximum
At least 100, or high water mark.
(High water mark is the highest value ever reached.)
JDBC connection pool size (maximum number of connections to JDBC)
80% of maximum
95% of maximum
As configured.
Average response time (in milliseconds)
50% of maximum
90% of maximum
At least 10 seconds, or high water mark.

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Innovation Release