webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide | Administering Tasks | Administering Task EDA Event Emission | Archiving Task Data with webMethods Event Persistence
Archiving Task Data with webMethods Event Persistence
You can persist the EDA events that Task Engine emits to an event store of your choice using webMethods Digital Event Persistence. You can use persisted task events for different purposes such as logging, archiving, and analytics. To emit events from Task Engine, you must configure EDA events as described in Administering Task EDA Event Emission.
Digital Event Persistence can persist Task Engine events to different storage engines such as Elasticsearch and HDFS.
To store Task Engine events with Digital Event Persistence, you must configure an Digital Event Persistence service, as follows:
1. In Software AG Command Central, create a new Digital Event Persistence service for Elasticsearch or HDFS.
2. Configure a custom service group that contains the new service.
3. Associate the new group with the TaskChanged event of Task Engine.
For information about how to create and configure Digital Event Persistence services, see Software AG Command Central Help and Communicating Between Software AG Products Using Event Routing.
You can configure Task Engine to emit TaskChanged events for different task operations, such as creating, updating, and deleting a task instance. Digital Event Persistence can store the TaskChanged events for all task operations. To enable or disable the emission of EDA events for a particular task operation, see About EDA Predefined Task Event Types.
You can control whether task business data is included in the EDA event, as described in About Global Settings for EDA Events. When persisted together with an event, task business data is encoded in Base64 format.

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