webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Configuring Monitor | Configuring Central User Management | Customizing How Monitor Sets Up ACLs When Using Central User Management
Customizing How Monitor Sets Up ACLs When Using Central User Management
By default, Monitor sets the ACLs for the WmMonitor services based on My webMethods functional privileges. This enables users to perform all actions for which they have functional privileges. However, you can configure Monitor so that it does not automatically set the ACLs; if you do so, you must set the ACLs for the WmMonitor services.
If a user has the functional privilege to perform an action in My webMethods and you fail to assign the corresponding ACLs to WmMonitor services, the user will receive errors in the My webMethods user interface.
* To customize how Monitor sets up ACLs when using central user management
1. In the Integration Server Administrator for the Integration Server that hosts the WmMonitor package: Packages > Management.
2. Click the Home icon for the WmMonitor package.
3. To enable Monitor to automatically set the ACLs based on My webMethods functional privileges, select the Add ‘My webMethods Users’ role to ‘MonitorUsers’ ACL check box. To prevent Monitor from doing so, clear the check box.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.

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