webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Audit Logging Guide | Setting Up IS Core Audit Logging | Configure Audit Logging | Configure Logging Mode (Synchronous or Asynchronous) | Configure Asynchronous Mode | Choose the Queue Provider
Choose the Queue Provider
In the Queue Provider field, indicate whether the logger should write to an internal queue, sometimes called a light-weight queue, or to a Universal Messaging queue. Universal Messaging queues might provide better performance.
Note: The messaging audit logger uses the internal, light-weight queue as the audit logging queue. The messaging logger cannot be configured to use a queue on Universal Messaging as the audit logging queue.
Universal Messaging queue names adhere to one of the following conventions depending on whether the Client Prefix Is Shared check box is selected for the Universal Messaging connection alias used by the logger:
*If theClient Prefix Is Shared check box is selected for the Universal Messaging connection alias, the Universal Messaging queue name follows the naming convention:
wm/is/audit/clientPrefix/logger_nameQueue (for example, wm/is/audit/myClientPrefix/SessionQueue)
*If theClient Prefix Is Shared check box is not selected for the Universal Messaging connection alias, the Universal Messaging queue name follows the naming convention:
wm/is/audit/logger_nameQueue (for example, wm/is/audit//SessionQueue)
Note: When the Universal Messaging connection alias is configured to share the client prefix, multiple Integration Servers in a stateful or stateless cluster can use the alias to use the same Universal Messaging queue as the logging queue. Additionally, this logging queue can be shared across a Universal Messaging realm. That is, loggers on multiple Integration Servers can write log entries to and read log entries from one Universal Messaging queue shared across a Universal Messaging realm.

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