webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Monitor Built-in Services Reference | pub.monitor.service Folder | pub.monitor.service:getDetails
Retrieves information about the most recently logged status for a specified service.
Input Parameters
String Context ID for the service for which to get information. Specify the complete, exact ID.
Note: Whether Monitor treats contextID as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
Output Parameters
Document The retrieved information for the specified service. The following fields are returned for the service.
*ROOTCONTEXTID String Context ID of the service's root service. If the service is a top-level service, the root context ID is the same as the context ID.
*PARENTCONTEXTID String Context ID of the service's parent service, if the service was nested or resubmitted.
*CONTEXTID String Context ID for the service.
*CUSTOMCONTEXTID String The full, user-defined ID of the retrieved service that was assigned by executing the pub.flow:setCustomContextID service.
*AUDITEDPARENTID String Complete ID of the parent service for which you have logged user-defined fields.
*STATUS String Status of the service. The getDetails service returns the numerical value that represents the status. For a description of the numerical values, see Status Reference.
*STATUSDECODE String Status value of the service. The getDetails service returns the keyword value that represents the status. For the list of keyword values, for example, "Started" or "Completed", see Status Reference.
*SERVICENAME String Name of the service.
*USERID String Integration Server user name of the client that invoked the service.
*RESUBMITTABLE String Whether the service exists in the logging database and is resubmittable.
*true   Service exists and is resubmittable.
*false Service does not exist and is not resubmittable.
*ERRORMESSAGE String If the service's status is 4 (Failed), the error message for the service.
*SERVERID String DNS name and port of the Integration Server that ran the service (for example, titan.east.webmethod.com:5555).
*DURATION String If the service's status is 2 (Completed) or 4 (Failed), length of time the service ran (in milliseconds)
Usage Notes
If there are multiple log entries with the same timestamp and the timestamp is the most recent timestamp, the service returns all the entries.

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