webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Monitor Built-in Services Reference | pub.monitor.service Folder | pub.monitor.service:getCustomData
Retrieves user-defined logged field values of a service and returns them as name/value pairs.
Input Parameters
String Context ID for the service whose user-defined logged fields you want to retrieve. Specify the complete, exact ID.
String Optional. Complete name of the logged field whose value you want to retrieve.
String Optional. Value to use to sort the returned list of logged field values. This parameter works with the sortOrder parameter.
*SERVERID DNS name and port for the Integration Server that ran the service.
*MSGID ID of user-defined messages that contain the logged fields.
*FIELDNAME Name of the field for which a value was logged.
*STRINGVALUE Values of string type document fields.
*NUMBERVALUE Values of Number type document fields.
*DATEVALUE Values of Date type document fields.
String Optional. Whether to sort the returned list of logged field values in ascending or descending order. The documents are sorted by the field identified by the sortBy parameter.
*0 Default. Sort in ascending order.
*1 Sort in descending order.
Output Parameters
Document List The list of returned logged field values. For each logged field value, the following fields are returned:
*CONTEXTID String Context ID for the service.
*SERVERID String ID of server where service that logged the fields ran.
*MSGID String ID of user-defined messages that contain the logged fields.
*FIELDNAME String Name of the field for which a value was logged.
*STRINGVALUE String The value of the field if the logged field value is a string.
*NUMBERVALUE String The value of the field if the logged field value is a number; otherwise the service returns 0.0 in this field.
*DATEVALUE String The value of the field if the logged field value is date.
String Optional. Error that occurred during the execution of this service if this service encountered an error.

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