webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Process Monitoring | About Resubmitting Process Instances and Process Steps | Resubmittal Behavior in the Run Time
Resubmittal Behavior in the Run Time
The behavior that occurs when you click the Resubmit button depends on the status of the process instance itself.
For a process instance in "Failed" status, resubmitting a failed step in the instance:
*Marks the process instance as "Resubmitted"
*Executes that step with the pipeline that is passed in from Monitor.
*Leaves the instance iteration of the process instance unchanged.
*Increments the step iteration of the resubmitted step from its previous iteration.
*Executes the remainder of the process instance from the point of resubmission.
For a process instance in "Completed" status, resubmitting a step in the instance:
*Creates a completely new iteration of the process instance.
*Increments the process instance iteration.
*Executes the remainder of the process instance from the point of resubmission.

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