Removes a filter field and its value that was previously assigned to a process model.
Note: The service uses the input parameters to search for the filter field/value to remove. Whether the search is case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to locate the field/value to remove. If the search is case-sensitive, be sure to specify the field name and value using the exact case used when the field was assigned.
Input Parameters
processKey | String The internal identifier (that is, process key) of the process model from which to remove a field and value. |
fieldName | String The name of the field to remove from the process model. |
stringValue | String The value of the field that you want to remove. |
Output Parameters
result | String The result of the service. If the service completes successfully, the result returns success. Otherwise, result returns the failure message. |
Usage Notes
To retrieve a list of filter fields that are already set, use the
pub.monitor.process.model:getProcessFilter service. Use this service if you need to determine the exact combination of upper- and lowercase characters used for a field and/or value.