instanceID | String Instance ID of the process instance that contains the step whose user-specified document field values to retrieve. Specify the complete, exact ID. Note: Whether Monitor treats instanceID as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data. |
instanceIteration | Number Iteration of the process instance that contains the step. |
stepID | String The full step ID for the step. You can retrieve step IDs using the pub.monitor.process.modelSteps:getStepIDNames service. |
stepIteration | Number Iteration of the step for which to retrieve document field values. |
stepCustomData | Document List List of the retrieved user-specified document field values. For each document field, the following fields are returned: STEPID String Step ID of the step that logged the document field value. STEPITERATION Number Step iteration of the step that logged the document field value. |
INSTANCEITERATION Number Iteration of the process instance when the step logged the document field value. DOCUMENTNAME String The name of the user-defined document that contains the field that was logged. | |
FIELDNAME String Name of the logged field. STRINGVALUE String The value of the field if the logged field value is a String. | |
NUMBERVALUE String The value of the field if the logged field value is a number. DATEVALUE String The value of the logged field if the logged field value is a date. AUDITTIMESTAMP Number Timestamp that the field was logged, in epoch time; that is, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. | |
message | String Error that occurred during the execution of this service if this service encountered an error. |