webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Using Mobile Monitor | Understanding Mobile Monitor
Understanding Mobile Monitor
Mobile Monitor is an application for mobile devices and tablets that provides an alternative for using the Monitor user interface, providing real-time information about the status of executed business processes.
Mobile Monitor is only available to users on Integration Server version 9.5.1 and above and can only be used with Integration Servers that are exposed to the Internet either through a DMZ or a VPN connection.
The sidebar in Mobile Monitor provides quick navigation to view the number of business processes executed, the total number of process instances, the number of process instances by status, the number of failed instances (in Notifications), and the active server. The icons at the top and bottom of the screen provide navigation to the app settings, server configuration, the list of business processes, and the search feature.
Using MobileMonitor, you can do the following:
*View business processes executed. The Business Processes screen displays a list of the business processes executed. Individual status icons display a count of the number of processes in running, completed, failed, and resubmitted status.
Tap the List icon at the bottom of the screen or tap Business Processes in the sidebar to see a list of all the business processes and the count of processes by status.
*View business process model details. The Business Process Details screen displays the process model diagram and details about the process model, such as whether the model is enabled, the user who created it, the model description, and the date the model was deployed.
Click the arrow beside a business process to view the Business Process Details screen.
*View a list of executed business process instances. The Process Instances screen displays a list of executed process instances for each business process and a summary about the process instance. Process instances are listed in order by the audittimestamp (start date and time that the process was executed). Individual status icons show a count of the process instances in running, completed, failed, and resubmitted status. You can configure up to three fields to display about the process instance. For more information about configuring the fields on the Process Instances screen, see Configuring Mobile Monitor .
Tap the process instance on the Business Processes screen or Process Instances in the sidebar to see a list of process instances, sorted by audittimestamp, and the count of process instances by status.
*View the details of a business process instance. The Process Instance Details screen displays the details of a business process instance, including the process model diagram, the version number, the date and time that the model was executed, the date the model was last updated, the custom ID, the iteration of the instance, the status of the instance, and how long the instance has been running or ran before it completed (duration).
Tap the process instance on the Process Instances screen to view the instance details and process model diagram.
*Pin a process instance. Use the pin feature to keep a business process at the top of the list of business processes. This is useful when you want to monitor a specific process.
On the Business Processes screen, tap the Pin icon to pin a business process.
*View failed processes. The Notifications icon on the Business Processes screen displays a count of the business processes that failed. You can configure how often Mobile Monitor polls for notifications, as often as every minute or hourly. Or, you can disable notification polling.
Tap the Notifications icon on the Business Processes screen or Notifications in the sidebar to display the list of failed business processes on the Notifications screen. For more information about notifications, see About Notifications.
*Manage server connections. The Server Settings screen displays the configured servers and the server status. Mobile Monitor pulls business process information from one server at a time, known as the active server. You can add and delete servers and specify which server is the active server.
Tap the Servers icon at the bottom of the screen or tap Servers in the sidebar to view the Server Settings screen. For more information about configuring servers, see Configuring Mobile Monitor .
*Search for business processes and filter the list of process instances. You can search for a specific business process by name. Or, you can limit the list of process instances using a filter. In the process instance filter, you can specify an execution date range, a custom process ID, and a process instance status. The process instance status can be specified as started, completed, failed, stopped, revised, failed/escalated, suspended, resumed, resubmitted, or all, to include instances with any status.
To search for a specific business process, tap the Search icon on the Business Processes screen. To filter the list of process instances, tap the Search icon on the Process Instances screen or tap Search Instances in the sidebar.
*Configure application settings. The Application Settings screen displays all the configuration options available in the Mobile Monitor app. You can configure the fields that display on the Process Instances screen and the Notifications screen. You can also set how often the app polls for notifications and whether logging is enabled.
Tap the Gear icon at the bottom of the screen to access the Application Settings screen. For more information about configuration settings, see Configuring Mobile Monitor .

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