webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | Working with My webMethods | Working with Workspace Content | Finding Windows in a Workspace
Finding Windows in a Workspace
As you add many windows to a workspace, it might take time locating the window you want to use by scanning the workspace. This is especially true if your workspace uses a free from layout; in this case, windows might be overlapping hiding the window you want to use. For more information on workspace layouts, see Defining the Layout of a Workspace.
To locate a specific window and make it the current window, use the window finder. If the workspace uses a free form layout and the window you want to use is hidden, when you make a window the current window, My webMethods brings that window to the front.
* To find a window in a workspace
1. In the upper, right corner of the workspace click Window Finder.
2. In the Window Finder, select the name of the window that you want to make the current window.

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