webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Monitoring Services | Working with My webMethods | Working with Workspace Content | About Workspace Content
About Workspace Content
You can add the content that you want to a workspace. Typically, you create a workspace to have one single location to hold information related to a specific issue or topic, and add content related to that issue or topic. For example, if you are responsible for tracking information related to new hires for your company, you might create a workspace for each new employee. You can attach documents related to the new employee, add an image of the new employee, add reminders of actions you still need to take, etc.
As the owner of a workspace, you can take all actions against windows in a workspace. However, if you are using a workspace that another user has shared with you, your actions might be limited based on the permissions the owner of the workspace assigned to you. For example, you might only be granted the permission to view information and not be allowed to modify it. For more information about sharing workspaces, see Sharing Workspaces.

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