Accessing Data with the REST Service URL
If an anonymous user is set up in OneData, you can access the data through the REST web service using the anonymous user ID and no password. When you access the data as an anonymous user, you can perform only those actions that are allowed for that anonymous user.
For more information about how to set up an anonymous user, see Administering webMethods OneData.
To access data through the REST web service
1. In the browser, enter the RESTful web service link, for example, http:// localhost:8080/onedata/rest/QA/StandardProject/DO/Employee.
2. To access the data, enter the user name and password:
As an anonymous user. Username as
anonymous. Leave the password blank.
As a OneData user. Username as
UserOne. The password is the encrypted password.
All the records in the object are displayed in XML format.