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Cleansing and Matching Projects for the Consolidation Gold Object
The Batch Cleansing and Matching Processes
Configuring Country Information for Cleansing Input
After the customer consolidation is complete, you can create customer records directly to the Gold object through Data Manager or any other OneData data entry action such as, process flow, import, or API calls.
To prevent duplicate records and enable customer consolidation and validation, add a project-object mapping for the Consolidation Gold object in the Cleansing project. These input columns from the Consolidation Gold table are different from the input columns from the Consolidation (Staging) table.
Execution of the matching process fails if there is no matching project associated either implicitly or explicitly with a consolidation Gold object. To execute the matching process while data is being directly entered into the Consolidation Gold object, a data quality matching project must be associated with a Consolidation Gold object. In case the data quality configuration consists of only one consolidation object and a single-table Consolidation Gold mode, there is no need to explicitly associate a matching project with the Consolidation Gold object. An explicit association is not required because OneData derives the matching configuration from the matching project associated with the Consolidation object. However, if there is more than one Consolidation object, or the Consolidation Gold configuration is a multiple-table Gold MASTER-DETAIL configuration, an explicit mapping is required as follows:
*In case of a single-table Gold Configuration, mapping is required between a Consolidation Gold object and a matching project.
*In case of a multiple-table Gold Configuration (MASTER-DETAIL), mapping is required between both the Master and Detail tables in a Consolidation Gold Object configuration.
The range of values for a match pattern can be defined as explained in Configuring Pattern Mapping.
Note: In the Gold object, the Additional Qualifier must be set as Consolidation Gold object. Otherwise, OneData may save uncleansed data in the Gold object if an insert action is performed through Data Manager.
The following rules apply to matching configuration values:
*Good range match. If a valid match is found in the Good range threshold (greater than or equal to good weightage), OneData does not consider the user defined action. This means that, even if the action is set as Queue for manual matching OneData does not allow adding or editing Gold records, as this results in duplicate records.
*Suspect range match. If a match is found in the Suspect range (value lesser than Good range match weightage and greater than or equal to Suspect match weightage), you can discard validation by setting Action as, Create Gold. Any other action, including Queue for manual matching, returns a validation error.
*Below Suspect range match. If the match found has a value lesser than the Suspect range match weightage, there is no validation error and the record is saved successfully.

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