webMethods, OneData, and Terracotta  10.2 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | Implementing webMethods OneData | Objects in OneData | Creating A Multi-Select Structure | Creating Linkages Attribute and Linkages Column
Creating Linkages Attribute and Linkages Column
Example scenario: The entity Product_by_Country_ms holds the many-to-many relationship between the Product_ms and Country_ms entities. Configuration as shown below:
Alternate Name
Country_ID (Logical)
* To create linkages attribute and linkages column
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects.
2. In the product_ms entity, change the Country ID column to a Linkages Attribute in the Is Logical Column?. Keep the multi-select table and multi-select column as the same values. Save.
3. Navigate to Data Manager by using the Go to Data Manager command under the Definition tab.
4. Click on the Linkages command under the Values tab (Display Values). The grid displays the countries and the associated Products. Under the Select Linkages Column drop-down, choose the Alternate Name column.
5. The cross-mapping fields where a Linkage has been established appear in white as an editable field. The other fields will appear in gray as non-editable.
6. Navigate back to the first mapping screen by selecting Linkage Y/N under the Select Linkages Column.
7. Select England and France as two new mappings to Product ID 1. Save. The message, “Mapping updated successfully” appear at the top of the pop-up.
8. To display the Product Name instead of the Product ID in the grid, navigate to Define > Objects and click the product_ms object.
9. Click Structure. Click on Edit next to the Product Name column, and select the option Is Description column? Click Save.
10. Navigate to Data Manager. Click the Values tab, and select Linkages again. Choose CNTRY_ID under the Select cross-map entity drop-down. The Product Names now appear instead of the Product IDs.

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