webMethods, OneData, and Terracotta  10.2 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | Administering webMethods OneData | Configuring and Viewing Service Audit Logs | Viewing Service Layer Error Logs for Inbound Requests
Viewing Service Layer Error Logs for Inbound Requests
In case of an occasional failure in the logging mechanism due to environmental issues like non-availability of database connections, error logs are written for the particular service call to the file system instead of the database. These error logs are inaccessible through the OneData log screens. Access them directly from the file system using the steps described here.
* To access service layer error logs for inbound requests
*Navigate to <Software AG_directory>\profiles\ODE\workspace\webapps\onedata\svcLogs and open the required log file.
Identify the log you want to view by the timestamp. The logs are available as text files named ServiceAuditLog_<REPOSITORY_ID>_<JOB_ID> .

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