webMethods, OneData, and Terracotta  10.2 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | Administering webMethods OneData | Configuring and Viewing Service Audit Logs | Configuring Service Audit Logging | Overriding OneData Configurations
Overriding OneData Configurations
You can override the onedata.properties and Interchange Mapping Profile settings for particular records using service REST or JMS service requests. To do this, use parameters or tags listed here in the HTTP or message header of the REST or JMS call, respectively.
REST Parameter or JMS Tag
The global configuration onedata.webservice.rest.responseLogLevel set in the onedata.properties file and also request service audit information for records logged in OneData to be sent in the REST output. For adequate information to be available in the REST response, the service audit log level should be either 2 or 3.
For details of the global configuration properties and on Interchange Mapping Profile, see OneData Configuration Properties and the Implementing webMethods OneData, respectively. For examples of the XML response in the REST response, see Developing for webMethods OneData.
The onedata.service.serviceLogLevel and Interchange Mapping Profile setting. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, and 3, corresponding to the service audit log levels.
For details of the global configuration properties, see OneData Configuration Properties.
For more on the REST responses, see Developing for webMethods OneData.
JMS Example:
<sourceSystem>External Customer Hub</sourceSystem>
The Source System described in the Interchange Mapping Profile.
For more on the REST responses, see Developing for webMethods OneData.
JMS Example:
<sourceSystem>External Customer Hub</sourceSystem>
For details on Interchange Mapping Profile, see the Implementing webMethods OneData.

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