webMethods 10.2 | Dynamic Apps Platform | Administering My webMethods Server | Managing Pages in My webMethods Server | About Custom Folders and Pages | Page Properties | Setting Page Properties
Setting Page Properties
Use the following procedure to set properties for a page. For a description of the properties, see Page Properties.
* To set page properties
1. As system administrator, navigate to and open the page for which you want to set properties.
2. In the page title bar, click Tools > Edit Page to switch to page editing mode.
3. Click Properties.
4. Ensure the General tab is selected.
5. Edit the properties:
Use this property
Change the name of the page
Type a new name in the Name field.
Change or add a description of the page
Type a description in the Description.
Assign keywords to the page
In the Keywords field, type one or more keywords separated by commas.
Assign aliases to the page
To add an alias:
a. Click Add.
b. In the text box, type the alias name you want to add.
c. Click OK.
To update an alias:
a. Select the alias you want to change.
b. Click Edit.
c. In the text box, type the updated alias name.
d. Click OK.
To remove an alias:
a. Select the alias you want to remove.
b. Click Remove.
6. Click OK.
7. In the page title bar, click Save.

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