webMethods 10.2 | Dynamic Apps Platform | Working with Dynamic Apps Platform | Configuring the Process-to-Case Run-Time Environment | Adding an AgileApps Cloud Case Type to a Business Process in Designer
Adding an AgileApps Cloud Case Type to a Business Process in Designer
* To add a case type to a process in Designer
1. In the Process Development perspective, open a process in the process editor and add a service task as a process step.
2. Select the service task and click Properties > General.
3. In the Type field, select User.
4. Click Properties > Implementation.
5. In the Type field, select Case.
6. In the Case field, click Browse.
7. In the Cases dialog box, select an AgileApps Cloud application and then a case type for the application.
Designer populates the Inputs/Outputs for the step with the case object fields. You map the input and output fields in the same way that you perform mapping in a regular business process.
When you run the process, a case instance is automatically created in AgileApps Cloud. You can then modify the case business data in AgileApps Cloud or assign the case to a case agent.

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