Properties Page | Property | Description |
Implementation | Integration Server Name | Assigned Integration Server Name. |
Receive Protocol | Type of receive protocol to use. Select Subscription (For Publishable Documents) or JMS (for JMS Triggered Processes) (default) from the list. | |
Receive Document | The document type to receive. Click Browse... to open the Choose Document window and locate a service on an Integration Server or in CentraSite. Click New... to open the Create a New Document Type window and create a new document on a configured Integration Server. Click View... to open the selected document in a document editor. The View... button is available only when a document is specified in the Document field. Note: Selecting an e-form as the step's Receive Document automatically selects the Enable content repository support check box and enables E-form properties. | |
Protocol Properties | Available for the JMS protocol only. Connection Alias. Accept the default PE_NONTRASACTIONAL_ALIAS or click Browse to select another alias (an Integration Server connection is required). For more information, see Configuring a JMS-Triggered
Process. Destination Name. Required. Defined by default as: projectName_ProcessName_ SUBQUEUE. To specify another destination name, click Browse (an Integration Server connection is required). | |
Subscription Filter | The instances of a subscription document that can trigger the process. See Working with Subscription Filters. | |
Generate Service | Selected by default to generate a wrapper service. If cleared, no wrapper service is generated. This improves Process Engine performance. Important: If a wrapper service already exists, selecting this option deletes the existing service. | |
Generated Service Name | Name of the generated flow service used at run time | |
Allow Parallel Execution | Lock the step at run-time to allow it to be executed by multiple threads. | |
E-form | Selecting an e-form as the step's Receive Document automatically selects the Enable content repository support check box and enables E-form properties. For more information on working with e-forms, see Selecting an E-form Content Repository and the PDF publication Implementing E-form Support for BPM. Important: Incoming e-form instances must have the correct file name extension (for example, .xml for InfoPath forms, .xdp for LiveCycle forms). Otherwise, they will not trigger the receive task. | |
Content Repository | Select Browse... to specify a My webMethods Server content repository where e-form instances are monitored by the Process Engine listener. | |
Template Name | Selecting an e-form as the step's Receive Document automatically populates this field. For more information about using e-forms, see Using E-forms in a Process and the PDF publication Implementing E-form Support for BPM. | |
Logged Fields | Outputs | Output fields to log. Outputs are logged after the step executes. See
Log Inputs and Outputs. |
Correlation | Correlation |