Properties Page | Property | Description |
Implementation | Integration Server Name | Assigned Integration Server Name (logical server). |
Send Protocol | Type of send protocol to use. Select Subscription (For Publishable Documents), JMS (for JMS Triggered Processes) (default), or Simple Service (For Synchronous Receive/Send) from the list. | |
Protocol Properties | Available for JMS and Simple Service protocols only. Connection Alias. Accept the default PE_NONTRASACTIONAL_ALIAS or click the browse button to select another alias (an Integration Server connection is required).For more information, see Configuring a JMS-Triggered
Process. Destination Name. Required. You must specify a destination name. Click the browse button (an Integration Server connection is required). | |
Send Document | Integration Server document to send. Click Browse... to open the Choose Document window and locate a service on an Integration Server or in CentraSite. Click New... to open the Create a New Document Type window and create a new document on a configured Integration Server. Click View... to open the selected document in a document editor. The View... button is available only when a document is specified in the Document field. | |
Send synchronous reply to | Name of the Receive Task to which the Send Task is responding. The Receive Task must be configured to use the Simple Service protocol before you can select it. | |
Generated Service Name | Name of the generated flow service used at run time. | |
Retry Count | Number of times the Process Engine retries the service in the case of an Integration Server run-time exception. The default value is 0, or no retries. Note: The retry mechanism is invoked only when a step service generates an ISRuntimeException error. Any other exception, such as an EXIT with a FAILURE error, causes the step to fail. | |
Retry Interval | Number of milliseconds (ms) the Process Engine waits between retry attempts in the case of an Integration Server run-time exception. The default value is 60000 ms, or 60 seconds. | |
Allow Parallel Execution | Lock the step at run-time to allow it to be executed by multiple threads. | |
Compensating | Places a BPMN compensation marker on the step, indicating that it is used for compensation. This is notational only and has no effect on the behavior of the activity. | |
Logged Fields | Inputs | Input fields to log. Inputs are logged before the step executes. For more information, see
Log Inputs and Outputs. |
Outputs | Output fields to log. Outputs are logged after the step executes. | |
Joins | Join Type | A join type defines the logic the process follows when a step has multiple incoming transitions. Options: OR, AND, COMPLEX, or Unsynchronized OR. See About Joins. Note: The Joins page is displayed only when a step has more than one incoming transition. |
Join Timeout | The timeout duration value, after which this join fails. This option is available for AND and COMPLEX joins only. The source of this value can be: A static value that you define. A value from a field in the process pipeline. The field value is interpreted in milliseconds. A value based on a business calendar in My webMethods Server. You can specify a static number of days, hours, and minutes, or specify a pipeline field to set the day, hours, or minutes value. For more information, see About Join Timeouts. | |
Join Condition | Use the join condition editor to define a condition for the gateway join. This option is available only for a complex join in a complex gateway. When the terms of this condition are met (that is, the condition is true), the join is considered satisfied. For more information about using the condition editor, see About Complex Join Expressions and Defining a Complex Join
Expression. | |
Deprecated properties (not recommended) | These deprecated properties are not available for unsynchronized OR joins. Suppress Join Failure This option is not recommended except in very isolated cases. For more information, see Migrating Process Models with Join Steps
to Version 9.7 and Later. | |
Ignore dead path notification This option is not recommended except in very isolated cases. For more information, see Migrating Process Models with Join Steps
to Version 9.7 and Later. |