webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Apps and Workspaces | Custom Apps | Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor | Enable Loosely-Coupled Interactions in Custom Apps | The Completed Sample Apps
The Completed Sample Apps
The full JavaScript library for the two sample custom apps used in this topic are shown here:
Completed Library for the Sample Loosely-Coupled Publisher App

Sample.LooselyCoupledPublisher = function( app ) {

var root = jQuery( app.getRootElement() ),
projectTable = root.find(".projectTable"),
projectBody = projectTable.find(".tblBody"),

rowMarkup = "<tr class='project'>"+
"<td class='company'>${customer_company}</td>"+
"<td class='symbol'>${customer_symbol}</td>"+
"<td class='projectValue' align='right'>${project_value}</td>"+
"<td class='projectEta'>${project_eta}</td>"+
"<span class='city'>${customer_city}</span>, "+
"<span class='state'>${customer_state}</span> "+
"<span class='zip'>${customer_zip}</span>"+

rowTemplate = jQuery.template("rowTemplate", rowMarkup),

//inner function to publish topics for row click
onRowClick = function(event) {

var row = jQuery(this),

customer = row.find("td.company").text(),
symbol = row.find("td.symbol").text(),
city = row.find("td span.city").text(),
state = row.find("td span.state").text(),
zip = row.find("td span.zip").text();

app.publish("Sample.stock", {
"company": customer,
"symbol": symbol

app.publish("Sample.location", {
"city": city,
"state": state,
"zip": zip

//invoke mashup
prestoUrl = "/mashzone/edge/api/rest/CustomerProjectSummary/runMashup?x-presto-resultFormat=json";

this.onLoad = function(app) {

url: prestoUrl,
type: "get",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
data: ""
}, {
onSuccess: function(response) {
if (response.result && response.result.customer_project) {
var projects = response.result.customer_project;

jQuery.tmpl(rowTemplate, projects).appendTo(projectBody);

//bind handler to cell click event

} else {
onFailure: function(e) {
message: 'Failed to retrieve project info: ' + e.message
Completed Library for the Sample Loosely-Coupled Subscriber App

Sample.LooselyCoupledSubscriber = function( app ) {

var root = jQuery( app.getRootElement() );

var queryTable = root.find(".queries");
var airportBody = queryTable.find(".airportBody");
var hotelBody = queryTable.find(".hotelBody");
var limoBody = queryTable.find(".limoBody");
var messageDiv = root.find(".event-messages");

var subRowMarkup = "<tr><td>${Title}</td><td>${Address}</td><td>${Url}</td><td>${Phone}</td></tr>";
var subRowTemplate = jQuery.template("subRowTemplate", subRowMarkup);
// App subscription handler
this.receive = function(topic, message) {
if (message && message.postalCode) {
//invoke mashup
var prestoUrl = "/mashzone/edge/api/rest/TravelInfo_for_Zip/runMashup?x-presto-resultFormat=json&zip_2=" + (message.postalCode || '');
url: prestoUrl,
type: "get",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
data: ""
{ onSuccess: function(response) {

if (response.travelinfo && response.travelinfo.Query){
//clear previous body rows
//render body rows for each query from mashup
for (var i=0; i < response.travelinfo.Query.length; i +=1) {
switch (response.travelinfo.Query[i].value) {
case 'airport':
var airports = response.travelinfo.Query[i].Result;
jQuery.tmpl(subRowTemplate, airports).appendTo(airportBody);

case 'hotel':
var hotels = response.travelinfo.Query[i].Result;
jQuery.tmpl(subRowTemplate, hotels).appendTo(hotelBody);

case 'limo':
var limos = response.travelinfo.Query[i].Result;
jQuery.tmpl(subRowTemplate, limos).appendTo(limoBody);
} else {

onFailure: function(e) {
message: 'Failed to find travel information: ' + e.message
} else {
message = typeof message == 'object' ? Object.toJSON(message) : message;
messageDiv.append("<div class='event-message'>" + topic + ": " +
message + "</div>");

Copyright © 2018 | Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA, Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors.
Innovation Release