webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Working with Business Rules in My webMethods | Rule Verification Overview
Rule Verification Overview
About Automatic Verification
Verifying Rules Manually
Working with a Preconfigured Verification Service
Configuring a Server Connection for a Preconfigured Verification Service
Showing or Hiding Suppressed Warnings
About Verification Categories
The Business Rules User Interface in My webMethods supports three kinds of verification:
*Automatic Verification is performed on decision entities when they are opened or saved after modification. It can reflect both errors and warnings. For more information, see About Automatic Verification.
*Manual Verification is performed on-demand at rule set or at decision entity level. It is designed to detect potential logic problems in decision entities and only creates warnings. For more information, see Verifying Rules Manually.
*Preconfigured Verification Services. You can verify decision tables on the basis of preconfigured REST services. For more information, see Working with a Preconfigured Verification Service.
For more information about verification categories, see About Verification Categories.

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