webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Administration | MashZone NextGen Server Configuration | Add XML Schemas to the Wires Mapper Block
Add XML Schemas to the Wires Mapper Block
The Mapper block in Wires allows users to transform results in a mashup to a well-known structure defined in an XML schema. These schemas may include public standards, such as RSS or Atom, or schemas used in mashable information sources or systems in use within your organization.
Note: Wires supports only XML schemas (*.xsd files). It does not support DTDs or RELAXNG grammars.
The Mapper block can map to the structure defined by an existing block in a mashup. It is generally more convenient, however, to upload the XML schemas most commonly in use in your organization.
* To add a schema
1. If the schema you choose to upload imports other schemas using <xs:import> statements, you must first:
*Upload each of the imported schemas before you upload the schema that imports them.
*Update the path in the <xs:import> statements in the importing schema to use a relative path with just the imported schema file name.
2. Click Admin Console in the MashZone NextGen Hub main menu.
3. Expand the Platform Features section and click Wires Schema.
This lists any schemas that have already been upload.
4. Click Add new schema.
5. Click Browse to find and select the XML schema you want to use.
6. Enter a name or general description and click Add Schema.
The schema is now available in the Mapper block.
You can use the list of schemas in this page to delete schemas. Or, you can find and mange the schema file, named /system/Wires/schemas/xsd-file-name, using File Resources in the Platform Features section of the Admin Console. See Manage Files for MashZone NextGen Features or Artifacts for more information.

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