About JavaServer Faces
Portlets created in the Composite Application Framework (CAF) support the JavaServer Faces (JSF) standard. You can create new projects as JSF applications with portlets that use View Declaration Language (VDL) pages implemented either as .view files, which is a file structure with a proprietary Software AG XML schema, or as JSF Facelets .xhtml files.
By default, Software AG Designer creates portlet applications and new view pages using the .view file format. To enable JSF Facelets support for new view pages, you can set the Prefer JSF 2.x xhtml Facelet Templates for New Pages preference on the UI Development preferences page, or specify a .view or .xhtml file name extension when creating a view page. Support of Facelets provides you with the ability to use:
XHTML to create web pages.
Facelets tag libraries to augment JavaServer Faces and JSTL tag libraries.
The Java Unified Expression Language (UEL).
Templates for components and pages.
In addition, you can migrate CAF applications developed with .view files to JSF Facelets applications. For more information about migrating CAF projects and .view files to .xhtml files, see
Migrating CAF Projects and .view Files to
JSF Facelets Format.
For more information about the Facelets technology, see the Oracle Java documentation website.