webMethods 10.2 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Integration Server | Migrating an Integration Server Instance
Migrating an Integration Server Instance
Ensure that the target Integration Server has the migration utility installed.
For information about the migration utility, see Upgrading Software AG Products.
Note: This command must be run in the context and order documented in Upgrading Software AG Products. Otherwise, you will experience unpredictable results, possibly including corruption of your installation and data.
*View the command line help for the migration utility using the sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration help command.
*Start the migration of all the Integration Server instances from a source installation directory on the same host using the sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory
*Start the migration of specific Integration Server instances from a source installation directory on the same host using the sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory instanceName=<provide a comma-separated list of instance>
*Start the migration of Integration Server default instance from a source installation directory on the same host using the sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration migrate srcDir=SAG_Installation_directory instanceName=default command.
Note: By default, the argument silent is set to true internally. If the source version of Integration Server cannot be determined from the input source directory or the archive, you may be required to pass the argument srcVersion. These arguments are optional.
*Start the migration using the archive of an Integration Server instance directory using sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration migrate srcFile=source_installation.zip instanceName=default command.
Note: By default, the argument silent is set to true internally. If the source version of Integration Server cannot be determined from the input source directory or the archive, pass the argument srcVersion. These arguments are optional.
*Start the migration of all the Integration Server instances using the archive of an Integration Server instance directory using sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration migrate srcFile=source_installation.zip command
*View APIs under the migration namespace using the sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration command.
*View if Integration Server supports migration as a custom API using the sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer command.
Examples When Executing on Command Central
*To view command line help:
sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias 
integrationServer migration help
targetNodeAlias is the alias name of the installation where Integration Server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. help is the command that helps in migration.
*Start the migration of all the Integration Server instances from a source installation directory on the same host:
sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
migration migrate srcDir=/local/SOURCE_SAG_Installation_directory
*Start the migration of specific Integration Server instances from a source installation directory on the same host:
sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
migration migrate srcDir=/local/SOURCE_SAG_Installation_directory
instanceName=instance1,instance2,instance3 srcVersion=x.x.x
Note: You can migrate any number of instances using this command.
*To start migrating the Integration Server default instance from a source installation directory on the same host:
sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
migration migrate srcDir=/local/SOURCE_SAG_Installation_directory 
instanceName=default srcVersion=x.x.x
targetNodeAlias is the alias name of the installation where Integration Server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrDir is the source Integration Server installation directory. instanceName is the Integration Server instance that has to be migrated. srcVersion is the
*To start migration using the archive of an Integration Server instance directory:
sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
migration migrate srcFile=/local/SOURCE_SAG_Installation_directory 
targetNodeAlias is the alias name of the installation where Integration Server server instance is running. migration is the namespace for the custom Command Central API. migrate is the command to access the migration tool. scrFile is the name of the archive file of the source Integration Server instance directory. instanceName is the Integration Server instance that has to be migrated.
*To start migration using the archive of an Integration Server instance directory (to migrate all the Integration Server instances):
sagcc exec administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
migration migrate srcFile=/local/SOURCE_SAG_Installation_directory 
*To view APIs under the migration namespace for the integrationServer server instance:
sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer migration
targetNodeAlias is the alias name of the installation where Integration Server instance is running.
*To view if Integration Server supports migration as a custom API:
sagcc list administration product targetNodeAlias integrationServer
targetNodeAlias is the alias name of the installation where Integration Server server instance is running.

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