webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Administering Integration Server | Starting and Stopping the Server | Restarting the Integration Server
Restarting the Integration Server
Restart the server when you need to stop and reload Integration Server. You should restart the server when:
*You make certain configuration changes. Some configuration changes require the server to be restarted before they take effect. This document indicates when you are required to restart the server for configuration changes.
*You want to incorporate updated services that cannot be dynamically reloaded. This typically occurs for non-Java services.
* To restart the server
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the upper right corner of any Integration Server Administrator screen, click Shutdown and Restart.
3. Select whether you want the server to wait before restarting or to restart immediately.
*Delay number minutes or until all client sessions are complete. Specify the number of minutes you want the Integration Server to wait before restarting. It then begins monitoring user activity and automatically restarts when all non-administrator sessions complete or when the time you specify elapses (whichever comes first).
*Perform action immediately. The server and all active sessions terminate immediately. Then the server restarts.
For instructions on how to view the active sessions, refer to Viewing Active Sessions.
4. Click Restart.

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