webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Administering Integration Server | Master Passwords and Outbound Passwords | Changing the Master Password
Changing the Master Password
When you first install the Integration Server, the master password is "manage." For security purposes, you should change the master password immediately after installation and again on a regular basis. You should also change it when there are personnel changes.
The default expiration interval for a master password is 90 days. As the expiration date nears, the Integration Server displays the password expiration status on the Integration Server and sends warning messages to the server console stating that it is time to change the master password. If the Integration Server is configured for e-mail notification, the Integration Server will also send e-mail messages with this information to the configured addresses.
Keep the following points in mind when changing the master password:
*To keep outbound passwords synchronized with the master password, the Integration Server does not process requests to store and retrieve outbound passwords while the master password is being changed. Therefore, if your system has many aliases, consider performing the master password change during off peak hours to prevent any decrease in performance.
*If you have lost your master password, refer to Determining Whether You Can Restore the Passwords.
* To change the master password
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click Outbound Passwords.
3. Click Update Master Password.
4. Enter the current password, then enter and confirm the new password.
5. Click Change Password.

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