Set to... | To... |
false | Indicate that Integration Server should not interrupt the trigger service retry process to respond to a shutdown request. Integration Server shuts down only after it makes all the retry attempts or the trigger service executes successfully. This is the default value. Important: If watt.server.trigger.interruptRetryOnShutdown is set to "false" and a trigger is set to retry until successful, a trigger service can enter into an infinite retry situation. If the transient error condition that causes the retry is not resolved, Integration Server continually re-executes the service at the specified retry interval. Because you cannot disable a trigger during trigger service execution and you cannot shut down the server during trigger service execution, an infinite retry situation can cause Integration Server to become unresponsive to a shutdown request. To escape an infinite retry situation, set the watt.server.trigger.interruptRetryOnShutdown to "true". The change takes effect immediately. |
true | Indicate that Integration Server should interrupt the trigger service retry process if a shutdown request occurs. Specifically, after the shutdown request occurs, Integration Server waits for the current service retry to complete. If the trigger service needs to be retried again (the service ends because of an ISRuntimeException), Integration Server stops the retry process and shuts down. Upon restart, the transport (the Broker, Universal Messaging, or, for a local publish, the transient store) redelivers the document to the trigger for processing. Note: If the trigger service retry process is interrupted and the transport redelivers the document to the trigger, the transport increases the redelivery count for the document. If the trigger is configured to detect duplicates but does not use a document history database or a document resolver service to perform duplicate detection, Integration Server considers the redelivered document to be "In Doubt" and will not process the document. |