For this parameter... | Specify... |
User Names | A unique user name made up of a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. You can specify one user name per line. Press ENTER to separate the lines. Important: User names are case sensitive. When you create a user account, type it exactly as you want the client to enter it. Note: The string "SAMLart" is a reserved word in Integration Server. Do not create an Integration Server user name consisting of this word. |
Password | A password made up of a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. A password is required and cannot be a null value or an empty string. Important: Passwords are case sensitive. Type these values exactly as you want the client to enter it. Be sure to select passwords that are difficult to guess. For example, use a mixture of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Do not use a name, phone number, social security number, license plate or other generally available information. |
Re-Enter Password | The same password again to make sure you typed it correctly. |