webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Administering Integration Server | Managing JDBC Pools | Managing Functional Alias Definitions | Using Fail-Fast Mode with a Functional Alias
Using Fail-Fast Mode with a Functional Alias
A JDBC functional alias can be configured to enter fail-fast mode when a transient error caused by an unavailable database prevents the connection pool alias used by the JDBC functional alias from establishing a connection to the database. When fail-fast is enabled and Integration Server detects a loss of database availability, the JDBC functional alias enters fail-fast mode. While the JDBC functional alias is in fail-fast mode, the following occurs:
*All attempts by an Integration Server component that uses the JDBC functional alias to get a database connection will return immediately with a SQLException. This prevents delays caused by waiting to complete the retry attempts that might be configured for Integration Server component, such as logging, when a transient error occurs.
*The JDBC function monitors database connectivity. When database connectivity is restored, the JDBC function exits fail-fast mode.Integration Server components that use the JDBC functional alias to obtain a database connection will obtain a connection when one is requested.
Fail-fast mode is enabled for a JDBC functional alias when the Fail-Fast Mode Enabled option is set to Yes on the Settings > JDBC Pools > Functional Definitions > Edit page for the JDBC functional alias. The Currently in Fail-Fast Mode? field indicates whether or not the JDBC functional alias definition is currently in fail-fast mode.
Fail-fast mode can improve performance when used with synchronous audit logging. For information about using fail-fast mode with audit logging, see the webMethods Audit Logging Guide.

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