webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Integration Server Built-In Services | Event Folder | pub.event:deleteSubscriber
WmPublic. Removes an event handler from the subscription list for a specified event.
Important: Deletions made using this service take effect immediately; however, they are not made permanent unless you persist them to disk with the pub.event:saveEventManagerSettings service. If you do not run pub.event:saveEventManagerSettings after deleting subscribers, your changes will be lost when the server is restarted.
Input Parameters
String Type of event from which the event handler is unsubscribing. Must be one of the following values:
Alarm Event
Audit Event
Exception Event
GD End Event
GD Start Event
JMS Delivery Failure Event
JMS Retrieval Failure Event
Port Status Event
Replication Event
Security Event
Session End Event
Session Expire Event
Session Start Event
Stat Event
Tx End Event
Tx Start Event
Tip: To view the current list of event types, you can execute the pub.event:getEventTypes service.
String ID of the subscriber that you want to delete. To get a list of subscriber IDs, execute the pub.event:getSubscribers service.
Output Parameters
String Flag indicating whether the subscriber was successfully deleted. A value of:
*true indicates that the subscriber was deleted successfully.
*false indicates that the subscriber was not deleted (typically an invalid subscriber ID was provided in gID).
See Also

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