webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Integration Server Built-In Services | Document Folder | pub.document:searchDocuments
WmPublic. Searches a set of documents for entries matching a set of Criteria.
Input Parameters
Document List Set of documents from which the documents meeting the search criteria are to be returned.
Document Criteria on which the documents in the documents parameter are to be searched.
Valid values for searchCriteria parameters are:
*key. Name of the element in documentList whose value provides the value for the search text. The value for key can be a path expression. For example, "Family/Chidren[0]/BirthDate" retrieves the birthday of the first child from the input Family document list.
*value. Optional. Any search text. If no value is specified, the service searches for null in the document list.
*compareStringsAs. Optional. Allowed values are string, numeric, and datetime. The default value is string.
*pattern. Optional. pattern will be considered only if the compareStringsAs value is of type datetime. For information about using patterns, see Time Zones.
String Optional. The value of the sorted parameter is true if the document list is already sorted based on the search criteria and same search key; otherwise false.
If the value for the sorted parameter is set to true, the required documents are searched faster.
Output Parameters
Document List List of documents which are matching the search criteria.
String List Positions of search documents in the document list.
Document List List of documents that were input.
Usage Note
For example, if you want to search a set of documents for documents where BirthDate is 10th January 2008, the values for the searchCriteria parameter would be:

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