webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Integrating Cloud Applications | Integration Server Built-In Services | Cache Folder | pub.cache.serviceResults:resetServiceCache
WmPublic. Resets the cache for specific service, resulting in the removal of cached service results for the service.
Input Parameters
String Fully qualified name of the service in the format folder.subfolder:serviceName for which you want to remove cached service results.
Document Optional. An IData containing key/value pairs that indicate the cached elements to remove.
Output Parameters
String Message indicating whether or Integration Server cleared the service results cache for the specified service successfully. If it did not, review the server and error logs to determine the reason.
Note: If serviceName specifies a service that does not exist, or no cached entry with the specified input exists, the message output parameter returns the message “Cache reset successfully,” to avoid revealing whether a service exists.

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