Getting the Latest Version from the VCS
The VCS Integration feature provides the Get Latest Version command to replace packages, folders, and elements on Integration Server with the most recent version in the VCS repository (referred to as a sync operation in some VCS programs).
Keep the following points in mind when retrieving the latest version of a package, folder, or element from a VCS repository.
You cannot apply the
Get Latest Version command to checked out packages, folders, or elements. You cannot apply the command to a package or a folder if any of the supported elements within the container’s hierarchy are checked out.
Although packages and folders are never shown as checked out in the Package Navigator view, you can apply the
Get Latest Version command to a package or folder to get the latest version of all of the elements within the package or folder.
For ClearCase, the
Get Latest Version command updates the package, folder, or element in the branch configured for the view. Do not use the
Get Latest Version command for Dynamic Views because Dynamic Views always contain the latest version.
Some folders or elements might be deleted after you apply the
Get Latest Version command. This will occur when there is no current version of that folder or element (that is, it has been deleted from the VCS repository since the last update).
Get Latest Version command reloads the entire package containing the element. This might cause sessions currently using services in the package to fail.
To get the latest version of package, folder, or element
In Package Navigator view, right-click the package, folder, or element for which you want to retrieve the latest version, and select VCS > Get Latest Version. Note: If a folder contains locked non-Java elements and you apply the Get Latest Version command to an unlocked Java element in that folder, the error message “Subnode(s) checked out” displays. Check in all elements in the folder and try again.